What We Do
How We Help

Knowledge to Market
Knowledge valorisation, also known as knowledge commercialization or knowledge transfer, is the process of transforming research findings into innovations or IP with a tangible value. This valorisation process, thanks to use of innovations and IP, mobilises economic impact and societal benefits.
Our goal is to maximise the value and impact of the new knowledge generated through research by transforming research results into tangible products, services, or policies to be used or adopted. This will contribute to bridge the gap between academia and industry, facilitate knowledge transfer, stimulate growth, and foster impact.
Research & Development Accelerator
At META Group, we trust in “there is no impact without use”. We believe that a research result or an innovation can generate an outcome and mobilise benefits only after its actual use.
META Group is a leader in bringing innovation into use in the context of EU-funded research. The company operates internationally to shape knowledge-based opportunities from idea to start-up and scale-up stages:
- Framework contractors of the European Commission (DG RTD) since 2012
- 10.000+ research and technology organisations supported in exploiting research results
- 2.000+ research consortia supported in exploiting research results
- 20.000+ R&D projects participants coached and tutored
Our problem-centered approach, methodologies, and extensive network of experts and partners support scientists and entrepreneurs in laying a strong foundation for sustainable and profitable growth.
In parallel, we work with public institutions and provide them with technical assistance to foster entrepreneurship in Europe.
Donors like the European Commission realise more and more that resources invested in research and innovation should have a return; they will require more and more “entrepreneurial” researchers to address exploitation and commercialisation, and, thanks to use, enable return with impact-generation – Lorenzo Barabani, META Group
Maximize the Impact of Your Research
At META Group, we partner with research organisations, SMEs, and institutions to ensure that research findings turn into sustainable products and solutions for the public good – be it economic or environmental benefits, social progress or improved policy making.
Some of our support solutions include:
- Correctly identify Key Exploitable Results
- Identify and involve early adopters
- Set up roadmaps for the long-term sustainability of research results
- Improve teams skills set
- Assess Technology Readiness and Go-To-Market scale-up opportunities
- Identify funding opportunities and improve pitching skills
- Develop protocols and guidelines
- Create synergies with other projects to increase the impact

Knowledge Valorisation Strategies
Knowledge valorisation encompasses various activities and strategies aimed at maximizing the value and impact of knowledge. META Group works at each stage of the innovation value chain, providing expert exploitation, dissemination, communication, and go-to-market services and supporting various actors with capacity and competence building.
A research exploitation strategy guides talents and research teams in identifying the most promising avenues for use and commercialization of their research. It involves a variety of activities such as identification of unique value proposition of the proposed solution, its market potential, its use model, definition of early adopters and IP strategy.
Dissemination and communication are crucial to ensuring that research has maximum impact. Connecting to early adopters and general public with the most appropriate channels and messages is key for an effective “from the lab-to-market” journey.
We provide support, coaching and mentoring to talents and research teams willing to develop a business strategy that includes a market analysis, operations plan, competitor analysis, and a clear action plan. We also advice them on how to consolidate this strategy in an investment ready business plan.
We help research-based startups and entrepreneurial research teams in approaching early-stage investors, understanding their expectations, and designing a successful pitch.
The Lean Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas are great tools for preparing the exploitation/business plan of a research & development result and defining the use model. We work with researchers and innovators in making the most out of these powerful tools.