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CategoriesCapacity Building/Research Exploitation
The Dissemination and Exploitation Facility for Widening projects
Specifically designed for beneficiaries from Widening countries and Outermost Regions, WIDERA emphasises structured support for both direct and indirect research results stemming from these regions’...
CategoriesCommunication & Dissemination
Revolutionising tissue reconstruction with bioprinting
The new STRONG-UR bioprinting solution for regenerative medicine combines manufacturing technologies and biomaterials. It aims to create preclinical viable tissue constructs, particularly for the fabrication...
Unlocking your full potential: from research to impact!
Booster is an initiative from the European Commission providing a set of services to EU-funded projects, free-of-charge, to help navigate the complexities of dissemination and...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Evolving a cross-border ecosystem with renewable hydroge
A European hydrogen ecosystem The project’s main goal is the creation of a hydrogen-based economic, social and industrial ecosystem based on the capacity of the...
Dissemination & Exploitation for Digital Europe Programme
DEDEP.eu is a 24-month project funded under the Digital Europe Programme which aims to improve, via dissemination & exploitation actions, the uptake of Digital Europe...
CategoriesCommunication & Dissemination
North Adriatic Clean Hydrogen Investment Platform
NACHIP’s main goals and a wider impact NACHIP aims to validate nascent technologies at TRL8-9, pilot dynamic clean hydrogen value chains, develop an acceleration programme...
Photoacoustic Imaging and Artificial Intelligence-based Theranostic Approach for Cancer
Health programs are in urgent need of advanced diagnostic imaging tools and treatments to eliminate chemoresistant cancerous growths that are smaller than 1 mm in...
Revolutionising Electrolyser Technology to Produce Cost-efficient Green Hydrogen
In the European Union’s pursuit of a sustainable future, the spotlight shines on green hydrogen as a transformative force in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.This revolutionary...
Empowering the Next Generation of Business Angels
Despite Europe’s commendable progress in fostering innovation and nurturing new ventures, underlying structural weaknesses persist. The fragmentation of Europe’s capital markets leads to risk-averse attitudes,...
Improving Outcomes and Impact From Scenario-based Licensing
IMPAC3T-IP is an EU-funded action that addresses scenario-based licensing for stakeholders in the IP value chain. The project is developing a toolbox and an associated...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Towards a Brighter Future for the Mediterranean with a Renewed PRIMA Partnership.
FUTURE4PRIMA will reinforce and enlarge collaborations between R&I national funding institutions in the fields of sustainable agri-food systems and water management in the Mediterranean, as...
Building a Low-carbon, Climate Resilient Future
ECO2Fuel tackles environmentally conscious and ingenious approaches to intricate problems. Carbon, beyond being a fundamental aspect of life, is the driving force behind a myriad...
CategoriesCapacity Building/Research Exploitation
De-and Remanufacturing for Circular Economy Investments in the Composite Industry
The DeremCo project aims to establish a Circular Economy solution that will unlock the cost-effective reuse of post-use composite materials and components in new high-added...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Elevating Energy Efficiency Standards
iEPB is a EU-funded project at the forefront of energy performance innovation. The mission is to elevate energy efficiency standards across the EU, through optimisation...
CategoriesInnovation Policy/Research Exploitation
Better Monitoring for Shalegas Sites
Shale Gas Operators monitor their sites by manually extracting samples and analysing them in a laboratory every few weeks. Pollution can therefore go undetected for...
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital/Training & Coaching
Build the Perfect Pitch
The Pitch Clinic workshop is designed for early-stage startups looking for risk-capital investors. It covers key aspects such as funding sources, approaching investors, and creating...
CategoriesCapacity Building/Technical Assistance
Enriching European History with Big Data
Time Machine aims to link Europe’s rich past with up-to-date digital technologies and infrastructures. This will create a collective digital information system that maps Europe’s...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
A New Generation of Multifunctional Sensors For Brain Research
OXiNEMS is a European project aimed at developing Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) from transition metal oxides to measure weak magnetic fields generated by brain activity. NEMS...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Realising Dynamic Value Chains for Underutilised Crops
RADIANT is a European project that promotes crop diversification, environmental and agrobiodiversity preservation, and fair economic development through the valorization of underutilised crops. A consortium...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Developing the cornerstone of fast, reliable infection detection
META Group supports the design of a nanobiotechnological platform that will make pathogens detection more economical, faster, and efficient. “The fight between humanity and viruses...
CategoriesCapacity Building
Supporting SMEs Through Policy With Scale-Up
It’s a known fact that when regions manage to attract entrepreneurial talent and young start-ups to their area, the entire area benefits as a result....
CategoriesCapacity Building/Research Exploitation
Strenghtening the commercialisation of Active Assisted Living programme results
How does a company transform a great idea into a commercial opportunity? AAL2Business created market-ready products and services to achieve better quality of life for...
CategoriesCapacity Building
Self-assessment tool on the readiness of a R&D team to use its results
META Group has joined forces with the University of Liege and the University of Belgrade to develop a self-assessment business opportunity and planning tool. Many...
CategoriesCapacity Building
Encouraging cities to create an innovation-friendly environment
Cities Challenge Italy is the first competition to reward the entrepreneurial capacity of a city and its ecosystem. Organized in collaboration with Gen Global Italy, StartupItalia!, Tree, Italia Startup, Iban, ItaliaCamp and Starboost it...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Intellectual Property Booster
Intellectual Property Booster (IP Booster) is a new specialised professional IP service for public research organisations looking to realise value from their research results. Our...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Developing financial instruments for Bio Economy
The POWER4BIO project aims at increasing the capacity of regional and local policy makers and stakeholders to structure their bioeconomy and to support the emergence...
CategoriesCapacity Building
Challenge competition for Cultural and Creative Industries
The contest is organised by the University of Macerata and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. 11 challenges in the cultural and creative sector...
CategoriesCapacity Building
Supporting regions and industrial stakeholders in international investment projects
The Regional Co-operation Networks for Industrial Modernisation Initiative (ReConfirm), is an EU funded action to assist European regions and industrial stakeholders in implementing international investment...
Horizon Results Booster
Horizon Results Booster aims to provide EU-funded projects with the expert support needed to convert their research into “user ready” results. The consortium consists of META Group, Ecorys, Trust...
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital/Innovation Policy
Solving Cities Challenges Through Entrepreneurship
The META Innovation Platform helps cities and regions to boost innovation through the implementation of challenge-based programmes.
CategoriesCapacity Building
Platform to Help Startups Solve Social and Environmental Problems
SocialChallenges.eu is the latest iteration of META’s Innovation Platform, which uses challenge-based innovation to foster startups and SMEs capable of meeting Challenges, posed by organisations as diverse...
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital/Capacity Building
Capacity Building for Business Angels and Early-Stage Investors
ESIL is a Pan-European community aiming to improve angel investment market, stimulate cross border investment opportunities, find new deals, connect the most relevant networks and...
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital
Accelerating Internationalisation of High Growth Startups
The ACE Programme provided innovative startups and high growth ICT companies with direct assistance in finding partners, clients and financing to accelerate their move into...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Helping Energy Research Reach the Market
Support Services for Exploitation of Research Results (SSERR) is a service provided by the EC to help its energy research projects better exploit their research...
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital
Proof of Concept: Co-Investment Fund for Science Based Companies
Xplorer Fund specialises in investing in early-stage technology projects. It targets the scientific community and focuses on commercializing solutions with high market potential.
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital/Training & Coaching
Supporting the Use of Future Emerging Technologies
While Future and Emerging Technologies have enormous, disruptive potential to change society, they often face much higher barriers to reaching the market. Hence FET2RIN.
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital/Training & Coaching
Coaching & Investing Services for Digital and Mobile Companies
TWIST is a “Horizon 2020” action under Startup Europe that helps web entrepreneurs on scaling up their business.
CategoriesResearch Exploitation/Training & Coaching
Supporting uptake and use of H2020 Research and Development results
Common Exploitation Booster successfully explored innovative ways to help EC research projects bridge the gap between creating and exploiting their research results.
CategoriesCapacity Building/Innovation Policy
Exploring the Role of Innovation for Sustainability
CASI 2020 (Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation) focused on exploring sustainable innovation as a social phenomenon.
CategoriesCapacity Building/Innovation Policy
Improving New Member States Participation in EU R&I Programmes
MIRRIS – Mobilising Institutional Reforms in Research and Innovation Systems – guided institutional reforms to improve participation in the EU’s R&D&I programmes by the “EU13”...
CategoriesResearch Exploitation
Enhancing the Uptake and Use of R&D Results
The European Commission appointed META to help convert the excellent research from the EU’s Materials & Biotech Research Programmes into wealth-generating innovation.
CategoriesAccess to Risk Capital/Capacity Building
Assisting Cross-Border Investment Projects for Industrial Modernisation
Technical advisory services to investment projects developed within the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation. The aim was to help project promoters to prepare investment...
CategoriesInnovation Policy
Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) for the Italian Region of Trento
Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) adopted by Autonomous Province of Trento. The Smart...