CategoriesResearch exploitation

Bladder cancer is the ninth most common malignancy globally, with 430.000 new diagnoses annually and it also has the most costly pricetag for treatment per patient of all cancers.

The EDIT-FET project built a software that can quickly and automatically produce a 3D reconstruction of a patient’s bladder in real-time. Such a tool can help doctors not only to diagnose bladder cancer faster, but can also help them to monitor bladder cancer as it progresses and help them to decide on the right course for treatment.

The tool combines pre-clinical information from ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) imaging, meaning that it provides a full picture of the bladder for clinicians to examine.

But, getting the software ready for the market can bring challenges. The AIR3D project is leveraging the technology developed as part of EDIT-FET to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) that can be trialled on the market.

That’s where META Group comes in. With expertise in successful exploitation, market validation and go-to-market strategies, META Group brings a wealth of experience to this project. META’s team will assist LIME Technology and Ospedale S.Raffaele to create a business plan, prepare the commercialisation roadmap and get the team ready for pitching to investors.

The pitching is a crucial step on the road to commercialisation. META Group is well-versed in the world of investment, and the team will also help the project to improve on their pitching skills, enabling them to “sell” the software to customers and investors alike, in order to successfully scale the business.

The AIR3D project kicked off in April 2021, and will go on for 18 months. Read more about the project here:

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