CASI EU Policy presents a Top-10 list of research priorities based on citizen visions of sustainable futures
CategoriesEU Project Innovation Policy

CASI EU presents a top 10 list of priorities for research in sustainable futures. Sustainability in lifestyles is a broad concept.

It is closely connected to the change of every day patterns of individuals. Also their approach towards food and consumption, mobility and transport, housing, education, health and recreation with strong cross-linkages with communities and interpersonal relationships plays a key role.

Sustainability in lifestyles is also determined by the specifics of the surrounding environment. Research and analysis show that current modern European lifestyles and trends result in overconsumption and overproduction. The need for a development of new types of technologies and innovations could help solving societal challenges.

Research priorities

This policy brief presents a Top-10 list of research priorities based on citizen visions of sustainable futures created by the CASI project. These priorities have been formed in systematic interaction with citizens and experts and relate to the themes of agriculture, cities and technology. The policy brief recommends that policy makers consider these priorities when formulating research programmes.​

In order to read the full 8th CASI EU Policy brief, please click here.