Luigi Amati at Free Market Road Show 2016
CategoriesEntrepreneurship Startups

The speech of Mr. Luigi Amati during the Free Market Road Show Conference “Europe in time of change: Jobs, Entrepreneurship and the European Demos”

​We are glad to present some extracts from the speech of Mr. Luigi Amati during the Free Market Road Show Conference “Europe in time of change: Jobs, Entrepreneurship and the European Demos”, organized by the Ludwig Von Mises Institute – Europe in cooperation with Open Europe.

Mr. Amati is  the  CEO of META Group and Vice President of Business Angels Europe. During his speech, Mr. Amati gave some insights on his experience, underlining  some of the main elements associated with promoting more successful startups. His intervention has highlighted that the knowledge-intensive startups possess strong jobs-creating potential for the European market. The Free Market Road Show Conference took place on April 21 at the European Parliament.

See the video of speech here.