RRI programm
CategoriesEU Project Innovation Policy

​​​​The EU seeks to become a genuine Innovation Union by 2020, striving for excellent science, competitive industry, and a better society without compromising on sustainability, ethical acceptability or societal desirability. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a governance approach that supports the Innovation Union. 

New Hoizons Conference

RRI Shaping new Horizons conference will be held at the EESC premises, in Brussels, on 14–15 January 2016.

The RRI agenda pervades all European research funded in Horizon 2020. Such engagement calls for the involvement of a cross section of stakeholders in research such as researchers and research organisations, policy makers at European, national and international levels, business and industry, and civil society. ​

The conference aims to highlight work undertaken by the EESC and the GO4 projects’ Consortiums and stimulate debate between representatives of the main stakeholder groups involved in R&D.

Programme Overview

In February 2013, four EU-funded projects, the “Go4”, were launched (FP7, SiS work programme 2011). GREAT, Res-AGorA, ProGReSS, and Responsibility share a common concern to improve our understanding of the emerging concept of RRI, and develop approaches, tools and mechanisms to facilitate the uptake of RRI across Europe and beyond.

In January 2016, joining forces for a unique final conference, the Go4 projects present key results of their work.

Click here to register for the ‘Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Europe and across the world’ conference. Read the full RRI Programme

Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI Great) H2020 from Robert Gianni on Vimeo.