Self-assess your business readiness with the BOSS platform tools
CategoriesEntrepreneurship Research exploitation

BOSS Platform stimulates students and researchers to make a better use of the results of their research

BOSS platform enables students, teachers and researchers to self-test the potential for use of their research. Furthermore it will show how it could be further developed into an entrepreneurial project.

Through a combination of tools as and learning materials, the BOSS platform stimulates creativity, understanding and discussion. Altogether, it provides a compass for the journey from the lab/idea to the market.

For instance, more than 700 users are already evaluating their projects successfully and turning their research result into a business opportunity. The platform is free and open to everybody just by registering here.

Boss Platform Tools

With a focus on learning on the go, the BOSS platform supports continuous development of an idea for using R&D results. The following tools are available from the platform:

  • Business opportunity self-assessment tool: an easy to fill in checklist to assess your business opportunity by answering several relevant questions. These questions were related to the team, technology, market, unique value proposition, IP, and financials.
  • Business opportunity development planning tool: a canvas to pinpoint all the important elements that should be taken into consideration throughout the process of business opportunity development.
  • Business opportunity disclosure form: a tool to collect the information required to understand the results of scientific research. It also allows to evaluate these results for protection and commercial potential.

Self-assess your business readiness

By registering on the BOSS platform, users can access free learning materials. Together with the University of Belgrade and the University of LiegeMETA created a set of videos and slides on different topics such as intellectual property, technology readiness, market, impact measurement, how to engage with investors etc.

“BOSS tools will improve my ability to engage in entrepreneurial activities and in exploitation of my research results.” said Dr. Marija Lučić Škorić, a researcher from the Innovation Center of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University of Belgrade.

Generally speaking, “I strongly believe that these tools will help to cultivate entrepreneurial mindset in students and to prepare them for labour market. Whether they wish to work for a large company, start their own business or to go into academia,” said Prof. Dr. Melina Kalagasidis Krušić of  the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University of Belgrade.

Go to the BOSS platform and register now

BOSS platform is the result of the ‘Business Opportunity Support System upgrade for strengthening European innovation ecosystem’ Project. It is co-founded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.