Academia and business

META have joined forces with University of Liege and University of Belgrade to develop a self-assessment business opportunity and planning tool for bridging the gap between academia and business

In today’s fast-changing society, marked by the turbulence of the economy, changeable funding conditions, technical progress, and globalization, the connections between education, research and business have become increasingly important.

That’s why, higher education institutions have fostered university – industry collaborations and promoted entrepreneurial behaviors’ amongst university staff (teachers and researchers) and students through a range of mechanisms. In spite of their best efforts, there still is a big gap between academia and business. This means that few people in Europe have the entrepreneurial mindset and competences to start their own business and keep adapting to evolving requirements of the market.

Joining forces

Given the above, META have joined forces with the University of Liege and University of Belgrade in order to strengthen the connections between education, research and business by fostering entrepreneurial mindset in teachers, researchers and students through innovative methods which enable successful creation and transfer of innovation from academia to private sector.


To strengthen existing business opportunity support system at partner organizations by incorporating innovative OER (Open Educational Resources) into existing practices, which secure efficient transfer of ideas to market and encourage university-industry collaboration.


To stimulate teachers’, researchers’ and students’ ability to initiate and carry out entrepreneurial projects, ranging from opportunity recognition to opportunity exploitation.

BOSS platform: Open, automatized and web-based Business Opportunity Support System

See also:

BOSS project profile
For more information contact us