Creative projects
CategoriesInnovation Policy

​There are 11 different culture and creativity challenges waiting for your solution. You have until March 30th to submit your proposal. What are you waiting for?

The Culture and Creativity Club is a contest set up by the University of Macerata and CreaHUB, UniMC’s Atelier of Ideas, in collaboration with META Group and the Symbola Foundation. Through a challenge-based platform, 11 innovative ideas will be awarded for responding to specific challenges in the cultural and creative sector.
Culture and Creativity Club is the latest version of META’s Innovation Platform, following the successful pilot Social Challenges. Through a dedicated digital platform it is possible to launch challenges and find original and innovative solutions to urban problems. In this way ideas can turn into new business opportunities. The winners of the challenges will benefit from mentoring support to bring their idea to the market.
The selected solutions will take part in a 10-module mentoring programme to help structure the business idea and launch their product/service on the market. This training will be provided by META Group experts. The winners will then get in contact with the companies that proposed the challenges, and they’ll have the opportunity to start a collaboration with them.
As its names suggests, the Culture and Creativity Club focuses on solving the problems of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI). CCIs have difficulties in accessing credit and lack resources to enhance their competitiveness on the global market, build effective partnerships, and extend their activity to other countries. Also, CCIs represent an innovative branch of business and have the potential to increase regional competitiveness and job creation capacity.
CCI industries include architecture and design, which integrate creative elements into wider processes, as well as subsectors such as graphic design, fashion design or advertising.
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