Angiodroid Meta Ventures

META Zernike Ventures, IAG and Innogest SGR completed a second round of investment in Angiodroid 

Following the investment made in 2013 by META Zernike Ventures and IAG – Italian Angels for Growth for the start-up of the company, Angiodroid secured a second round of financing of 1,5 million Euro for the international expansion of its operations.

In the new round, together with the original investors, Innogest SGR joined the syndicate with the objective to support the company to growth and pursue an exit.


Angiodroid is the innovative and exclusive Carbon Dioxide Injector for peripheral interventional angiography below the diaphragm.

The Technology has been developed by company’s laboratories during the last 5 years in cooperation with well-known Private and Public Hospitals as well as Italian Universities. The practice of the CO2 provides significant benefits and a very low rate of complications compared with iodinated contrast.

As is increasingly demonstrated, the use of CO2 as a Contrast Agent can bring considerable advantages in many types of intervention in the field of Interventional Cardiology, Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery.
Because of its Gas Properties, Carbon Dioxide in fact can be injected  into each lumen structure (arterial, venous, biliary tract, abscesses, fistulas) below the diaphragm.

Francesca Natali, fund Manager of the Ingenium Emilia Romagna fund says that “We are particularly happy for the results so far obtained by the company. Sebastiano Zannoli [the entrepreneur] and his team has been able to outperform milestones and to generate first sales already at international level”.

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